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Exterior Painters FAQs

Exterior paint costs around $20 to $80 per gallon, while interior paint costs around $20 to $30 per gallon. Outside paints tend to be pricier because they need to withstand the elements, such as abrasion, moisture, and color corrosion from the sun. In addition, painting the outside of a home is more costly at around $3,100, while painting a home interior costs around $2,000.

The cost to paint a fence ranges from $600 to $1,500, while the cost to paint a deck ranges from $300 to $2,800. The total price will depend on the size, paint quality, and local labor rates.

Use our paint calculator to determine the number of gallons of paint needed for your project. The average gallon of exterior paint covers 350 square feet in a single coat. So, a 1,500-square-foot home with a paintable area of 1,100 square feet requires seven gallons of paint for a two-coat application. 

Round up, as it's always better to have too much paint than not enough. Depending on the type of paint and the condition of your exterior, you may also need at least one coat of primer.

You may need to repaint the home exterior every five to 10 years, depending on your climate, the quality of the previous paint job, and the material of your exterior walls. Aluminum should be repainted every five years, wood every three to seven years, and painted brick every 15 to 20 years. If you notice your paint chipping or cracking, it may be a sign that you need to repaint your home sooner.

The homeowners guide to exterior paintings
From average costs to expert advice, get all the answers you need to get your job done.
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